It is a secret of Nature, and Nature does nothing by chance; the possession of more developed intellectual faculties, like that of money and land, constitutes an indefeasible right of transmission and inheritance... "Sin itself, moreover, is a penalty, and the greatest of penalties... There are words in white in the points, same order: "Contre toute Justice", "Contre toute verite", "Contre toute etre", "Contre toute science", "Contre toute raison". Thou art the living one; but not living with the life of mortals, that is, like a breath, and whose end is to give food to worms. This dogma may indeed be called "mediator," for it is half scientific, half hypothetical; half reason, and half poetry. God, in order to exalt man to moral emancipation, hides Himself from him and abandons to him, after a fashion, the government of the world! it is becoming loose from the mountain... Otherwise this "Be good, and you will be happy" chapter would scarcely deserve the title "Arcanum Arcanorum? Dupuis failed to understand the universal religious dogma of the Qabalah, because he had not the science of the beautiful hypothesis, partly demonstrated and realized more from day to day by the discoveries of science: I refer to "universal analogy. "Passionate men are excusable, because they are passive; passion means suffering, and also redemption through sorrow скксуальноп желание мужчине. But to triumph over evil by good, over selfishness by selfabnegation, over ferocity by pardon, that is the secret of Christianity, and it is that of eternal victory. "Now-a-days, it is impossible to find it," said the merchant. This name was created, and we shall demonstrate that this name, this word, is, in religion, as much for science as for faith, the expression of the absolute. >> "Choose a black cock, and give him the name of the spirit of darkness which one wishes to evoke. Exactly the same thing плрно пьянеы девчонки! I am less proud, and I recognize that you may be useful to me perhaps? In short, we are going to speak the last word of magic. At this word, the vulgar hastened to cross themselves, and to hide their eyes, but the initiates of the cult of Hermes-Pantheos understood the allegory, and were very careful not to explain it to the profane... One magnetizes by radiation, by contact, by look, or by word... The game of chess, attributed to Palamedes, has no other origin than the Tarot,< " The father of the Prodigal son has killed the fatted calf because his son has returned? In the stars which it magnetizes, it becomes astral light! Frequently they attach themselves to vicious men and live upon their lives, as the embryo lives in its mother's womb. Home as a low-class sorcerer, that is to say, as a charlatan... When will you be better understood. Some days afterwards, a person who had been able to sketch the convict during the trial, showed it to Eliphas? the final word of the Saviour of the world? They see differently from others; they forefeel misfortunes самые большие чплны! ) "Eliphas n'etait pas a la question" --- "Eliphas was not under cross- examination? " It is already a long time since this doctrine, or, rather, this antidoctrine, began to work upon the world, to plunge it into universal anarchy. " have said many stupid parents; "he is mentally and bodily weak, and he is without a spark of courage: --- we will make a priest of him, so that he may 'live by the altar. I decided to wait for sunrise; and immediately day dawned, I ran, and here I am. Shame only on the traitors and cowards. Every voluntary disorder wounds it, prolonged excess murders it. There exists an occult and sacred alphabet which the Hebrews attribute to Enoch, the Egyptians to Thoth or to Hermes Trismegistus, the Greeks to Cadmus and to Palamedes. the unfortunate sleep-waker was dead. } That substance is one which is heaven and earth; that is to say, according to its degrees of polarization, subtle or fixed. This is a matter of little importance in this thesis... To have consciousness of truth, one must have an exact notion of being. --- The star of the micrososm, or the magic pentagram. All that, one will say, happened in the imagination of the sufferers. " {159} "Say, rather, thanks to your faith and your docility. There exists a dogma, there exists a key, there exists a sublime tradition; and this dogma, this key, this tradition is transcendental magic. There only are found the absolute of knowledge and the eternal bases of law, guardian against all madness, all superstition and all error, the Eden of the intelligence, the ease of the heart, and the peace of the soul. You want to put a premium on wretchedness. Emancipation of murder by the abolition of the pain of death; emancipation of prostitution and infanticide by the abolition of marriage; emancipation of idleness and rapine by the abolition of property. {65} The Gospel says that at the death of the Saviour the veil of the Temple was rent, because that death manifested the triumph of devotion, the miracle of charity, the power of God in man, divine humanity, and human divinity, the highest and most sublime of Arcana, the last word of all initiations? And in memory of Him who said: "He who receiveth the least of these My little ones, receiveth Me. Necessarily absurd, since reason must renounce for ever the project of attaining to Him; necessarily credible, since science and reason, far from demonstrating that He does not exist, are dragged by the chariot of fatality to believe that He does exist, and to adore Him themselves with closed eyes. The material body, deluged with fluid, seems to participate in the fluidic qualities, it escapes from the operation of the laws of gravity, becomes momentarily invulnerable, and even invisible, in a circle of persons suffering from collective hallucination? "It is MAGNETIZED ELECTRICITY. {116} Powdered charcoal absorbs and retains the astral light... The obelisk of Luxor, for example, was it not one of the two columns at the entrance of a temple. "Let me copy this drawing," said he, all trembling with fear. You have then seen my excellent disciple Desbarrolles. " Another fable, not less touching, which steps forth from the shadows of the Orphic initiation, is that of Eurydice recalled to life by the miracles of harmony and love, of Eurydice, that sensitive broken on the very day of her marriage, who takes refuge in the tomb, trembling with modesty. Woman stands before man because she is mother, and all is forgiven her in advance, because she brings forth in sorrow. She only knew how to pray, and how to fight, and the prestige which surrounded her ceased as soon as she was in chains. 244 CHAPTER IV! Mystery is therefore eternal... >> Let Mohammed set woman free to give to the true believer the houris which he has so long dreamt of, and let the martyrs of the Saviour teach chaste caresses to the beautiful angels of Mohammed. Ignorance then laments it or exclaims against it; science resigns itself, and remains silent. Sublime redeemer and sublime restorer; thou who makest so much happiness, with so many tortures, thou who didst sacrifice blood and tears, thou who art virtue {64} itself, and the reward of virtue; force of resignation, belief of obedience, joy of sorrow, life of death, hail. One magnetizes by radiation, by contact, by look, or by word. " "No," replied the Abbe ingenuously; "but the prophet assures us that they are of the highest importance, and that {148} their hidden signification shall soon be made known, that is to say, at the end of the Age. He blew out his brains with a pistol. The exaltation which overflows in your pamphlet may indeed do you the greatest harm, and some of your best friends must have experienced anxiety with regard to the state of your health. In order to dominate sheep, the dog plays upon their fear of wolves. III THE TERNARY THE Ternary is the number of creation. " "Perhaps every one does not think so," replied Eliphas. If those violences really took place, and if they may be imputed to a Churchman whom one considers, and who may be, for all we know, very good and very respectable, let us admit that such writers as MM? If they contain the words of thy wisdom they will be stronger than oblivion. "Fear" is the conclusion of the dogma of Moses. Whoever frees himself from the common errors of mankind is obliged to pay a ransom proportional to the sum of these errors: Socrates pays for Aneitus, and Jesus was obliged to suffer a torment whose terror was equal to the whole treason of Judas. " And immediately the old priest began to recount things which the whole world would have found impossible, but which did not even turn a eye-lash of the Professor of Transcendental Magic? What is infinite reason? Even the lightest wrinkles bear witness to the habitual sensations of the organ. This finger is then a synthesis of the hand: if it is strong, the man is morally strong; if it is weak, the man is weak! They had the right to condemn the Saviour, and the Saviour knew that His duty was to resist them! To the left is "Hyle". The cloisters, in fact, have always been peopled with nameless spectres, and their walls have palpitated with shadows and infernal larvae. "Rebuild all the altars, purify all the temples, and hold yourselves in readiness for the visit of the Spirit. So revolves the whirlwind of perversity until it arrives at this supreme and secret formula: Emancipation of death by the abolition of life. De Maistre, "Soirees de St. To vow eternal love is puerile; sexual love is an emotion, divine doubtless, but accidental, involuntary and transitory; but the promise of reciprocal devotion is the essence of marriage and the fundamental principle of the family. To preserve one's reason in the midst of madmen, one's faith in the midst of superstitions, one's dignity in the midst of buffoons, and one's independence among the sheep of Panurge, is of all miracles the rarest, the finest, and the most difficult to accomplish. Five Hebrew letters are along the sword, only the topmost upon the blade and the others beneath: Top quarter --- HB:Yod , next quarter --- HB:Aleph , center --- HB:Shin , next quarter is probably but not certainly HB:Mem , bottom quarter is an inverted HB:Heh. How can one construct reasonable hypotheses with regard to this truth. John; Hell is a sleeping fire? Some one may say that religion is this or that; religion is what it is. The symbolic form, having for its object to characterize what is above scientific reason, should necessarily find itself without that reason: hence the celebrated and perfectly just remark of a Father of the Church: "I believe because it is absurd. " CHAPTER III THE GRAND ARCANUM OF DEATH WE often become sad in thinking that the most beautiful life must finish, and the approach of the terrible unknown that one calls death disgusts us with all the joys of existence. To know all is an impossible dream; but woe unto him who dares not to learn all, and who does not know that, in order to know anything, one must learn eternally? They are machines full of bread, meat and wine, and of senseless words? Genevieve; then, walking in double file, came the lady devotees of St. Thus, among hands, some are laborious, some are idle, some square and heavy, others insinuating and light. But the insensate man has seen the look of the woman whom he has raised from the dead, the Grand Hierophant gives place to the lover, his lyre falls from his hands, he looks upon Eurydice, he darts towards her,. Their promises are attempts at and imitations of promises; their marriages, attempts at and imitations of marriage; their loves, attempts at and imitations of love... Genius is immortal because it understands that light is eternal... The moral qualities of the spirit are riches, and the greatest of all riches... " said the old lady; "perhaps we are overheard . Ссылки Главная |